


Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Lee Vining Presbyterian Church
10 AM Zoom only


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Set back in the woods near the corner

of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road

PCUSA Book of OrderPC(USA) Book Of Order

Presbytery Manual


A Moment of Success and Fulfillment

I remember feeling connected to God, church, and stranger at the first baptism at one of our first contemporary worship services in my previous pastorate. We gathered in the fellowship hall, where community has been nurtured for generations, to welcome folks into the body of Christ and the community of the church during worship. The baptism bowl was filled by individuals mixing their unique contribution into one common vessel and rested on a quilt of fabric made by church members. Friends and now brothers and sisters surrounded those joining on all sides as we shared the ancient words that hold our hearts today and forever in God’s gracious love. Togetherness and unity with each other, our community, tradition, and God was spoken, acted, and lived that day.

 - Response to the Presbyterian Church’s Personal Information Form (PIF) question: Describe a moment in your recent ministry that you recognize as one of success and fulfillment


A scanned copy of my PIF (references available on request)


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