


Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Lee Vining Presbyterian Church
10 AM Zoom only

Sunday, June 29,2025

Reno Korean Presbyterian Church
Church Picnic - offsite


I am at ComputerCorps various times; often Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons.

Taking tech calls on
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11662 Hope Court, Truckee, CA

Set back in the woods near the corner

of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road

PCUSA Book of OrderPC(USA) Book Of Order

Presbytery Manual


Litany for Speaking Out

By ChatGPT o1 model from: First They Came by Martin Niemöller 

Leader: When they came for our trans siblings, I did not speak up
People: Because I’m not trans, and it felt distant to me.
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for immigrants, I did not speak up—
People: Because I assumed they’d only take the “bad ones,” not parents or co-workers I knew.
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for the poor, I did not speak up—
People: Because I thought I’d always be able to work.
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for those who needed Medicaid, I did not speak up
People: Because I wasn’t sick or old, and thought I never would be.
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for journalists, I did not speak up—
People: Because social media told me all I wanted to believe.
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for people of color, I did not speak up—
People: Because I was told Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion of others hurt me
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for women’s rights, I did not speak up—
People: Because I am not a woman, and could get care to save my life
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: When they came for voting access, I did not speak up—
People: Because my own right to vote felt secure.
Leader: God, forgive our silence and grant us courage to speak.

Leader: Then, when they came for me,
People: There was no one left to speak for me.

Closing Prayer 

God of justice and mercy,
We confess that we have not always acted with courage.
We repent of our indifference
  toward those whose struggles felt distant.
Stir our hearts to empathy,
  and strengthen our resolve to stand with one another.
May we learn to speak out for the vulnerable
  and uphold the dignity of all.
In Your gracious name we pray,

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