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Why I Pledge

From the MAINSTream church newsletter of Latrobe Presbyterian Church in Latrobe, Pennsylvania while I was interim pastor there.

Stewardship is Personal, Not Private

I want to share with you a personal decision I recently made. I changed my stewardship. My pledge of a tithe now comes to Latrobe Presbyterian Church, I’m glad to be a part of the ministry and mission here in this way. By giving to the local operating budget of the church without designations, I’m a part of all we do even when I cannot be everywhere all the time.

For me, a pledge is more for me, than the church. The church helps me keep this personal covenant I have made with God as an aid to my discipleship.
When I disagree about the best way to serve God here, faithfully giving my pledge helps me as a spiritual discipline and reminds me that it is God’s church, not mine. God and God’s church is not for sale.

Pledging Eases Stress

I pledge because I am in leadership. If I don’t trust what this church is doing, how can I expect others to trust me to be in leadership? I cannot imagine a person accepting leadership who does not pledge.
A pledge eases my stress. I don’t have to tally up hurts and helps as if I am in the mist of a lawsuit settlement, or get out my discount coupons and watch the checkout display to see if I got what I paid for and credit for what I have done.

I don’t worry about postage, tipping the pastor or staff, if I have cash on Sunday morning or what is a appropriate usage fee because I support the church by my pledge.

Thanks for helping me in my faith journey by accepting my pledge!



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