


Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Lee Vining Presbyterian Church
10 AM Zoom only


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11662 Hope Court, Truckee, CA

Set back in the woods near the corner

of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road

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Presbytery Manual


Entries in UCC (1)


Prayer for Nepal

Thankful that my brother and his wife left 12 hours before the earthquake in Nepal but sad for all the brothers and sisters that were not spared.

A friend was looking for a prayer from the United Church of Canada. Here it is: 

A Prayer for Nepal

God of Creation,
We live in a world where both beauty and danger are found.
Hear our prayers for those who have been overcome by the disastrous earthquake in Nepal.
For all who are grieving the death of loved ones…
For all who are in need of healing…
For all who are troubled with confusion or pain… For all who are in pain… For all who cannot find adequate food or shelter… For all who have lost their homes, community centres and workplaces… And for all who are supporting relief efforts…
Gracious God, hear our prayers.

Strengthen with your presence all who are numb with fear and distress.
Guide those who anxiously search or wait for loved ones.
Be near those who are grieving, and bless them with your peace.

In the midst of disaster we give thanks for moments of generosity and human kindness…

Grant tenderness, strength, and wisdom
To the doctors and nurses, aid workers, and emergency responders; to all who minister to human need in our time of distress…

We gather these prayers by saying together the prayer that you taught us:

Our Creator… [Prayer of Jesus]