


Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Lee Vining Presbyterian Church
10 AM Zoom only


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Entries in Mark 9 (1)


A Top Ten for Transfiguration Sunday

A few years back, (okay over a decade!) I posted a version of this list in ECULAUGH on EcuNet conference system.

Top Ten Ways Peter Knew It Was Moses And Elijah

Talking With Jesus At The Transfiguration 

10. Elijah keeps asking if someone can make him a little cake. 1 Kings 17:13

  9. Moses kept parting Peter’s hair. Exodus 14:21

  8. That bright cloud of smoke? Elijah’s fiery chariot! 2 Kings 2:11

  7. Moses’ recommendation of smiting the Romans with a plague gives him away. Exodus 8:1-2

  6. Elijah makes sarcastic remarks about the quality of the disciples’ camp fire. 1 Kings 18:25-27

  5. Moses keeps wandering off. Numbers 32:6-13

  4. Elijah has a “Here Comes TROUBLE” t-shirt on. 1 Kings 18:17

  3. Elijah keeps shushing everyone so he can hear the silence. 1 Kings 19:11-13

  2. Moses complains Letterman never paid him a dime for his Top Ten idea. Exodus 34:27-28

  1. Heaven is the only place people really use those stick on name tags.