Websites That Help You Use COLOR Well in Presentations and Websites
COLOURlovers is a creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles… All in the spirit of love. - from the website
Adobe Color CC makes it easy to capture inspiring color combinations wherever you see them. Simply point the iPhone camera at something colorful and Adobe Color will instantly extract a series of colors. - from the website
You can also use this website to pick a color pallette without a reference image or color.
(Formerly named, “KulerAdobe”.)
Now at, the Color Scheme Designer application generates color schemes of several types. Every scheme is based on one (base) color, which is supplemented with additional colors making together the best visual impression — using one of the genuine algorithms. - from the website
Color Hunter is a place to find and make color palettes created from images. To find color palettes on Color Hunter, enter a search term in the box at the top of the page. You can search by tag or hex color code or image URL. If you have an image, you can upload it and get a color palette based on the colors in the image. - from the website
- all images and descriptions are taken from the respective websites in mid-November 2014
- website selections updated from 10 Tips for making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations
by Edahn Small on slideshare