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Entries in christyramsey (1)


You Do Not Choose Retail; Retail Chooses You

The title of this post is attributed to Leon Kauffman, the store manager at the Carson City Best Buy where I used to work. Leon and Geek Squad Deputy of Counter Intelligence at that time, Jeremy Sauls, choose me for Geek Squad in July of 2013. I chose to take “sleeper” status as an Agent August 29th, 2015. I am grateful for Leon and Jermy for giving me a chance to be a part of Geek Squad for two years. 

Everyone helps everyone help our clients but I’ll practice some public gratitude by saluting my fellow badged agents standing with me at #850 from left to right:

  • Thanks to Nathan for geeking out with us, liking songs from before he was born, and already trying that.
  • Thanks to BattleTech, Jamey, for closing tags, tag teaming repairs, and hardware rocket surgery.
  • Thanks to Isaac for double bonus months and knowing no fear in calling clients and deleting partitions.
  • Thanks to Jason, for knowing how to proceed and what to do with agents, clients and computers.

Thanks to all the agents and Best Buy folks I worked with and for the last two years.

As I was taught by my first ministry supervisor: I do not go alone and I leave no one behind.


Christy Ramsey. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.