


Sunday, Oct 20, 2024

Community Presbyterian Church
Lee Vining, California
10:00 AM Service




I am at ComputerCorps various times; often Wednesday and (late) Thursday afternoons.

Taking tech calls on
BATTLE BORN TECH radio show 

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11662 Hope Court, Truckee, CA

Set back in the woods near the corner

of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road

PCUSA Book of OrderPC(USA) Book Of Order

Presbytery Manual


We Are So White

Presbytery visited a Korean church last week. Great meeting with wonderful hosts! We did reveal our whiteness which was graciously overlooked by our hosts and guest preacher.

  1. Presbytery is so white we only applaud a call and response sermon.
  2. Presbytery is so white we point out English typos in Korean displays
  3. Presbytery is so white we bring bagpipes to Korean church worship service
  4. Presbytery is so white we play Bach in a Korean church
  5. Presbytery is so white we quietly mumble Praise Songs
  6. Presbytery is so white we complain the Praise Band is “too loud”.

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