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A Holiday Blessing by Kaitlin B Curtice

I really liked this blessing by Kaitlin B Curtice, storyteller. poet. I’ve used it a various dinners and gatherings, giving her thanks and credit. From her twitter account:  @KaitlinCurtice 

A Holiday Blessing
 by Kaitlin B Curtice


May our white fragility dissipate
     into humble listening and learning;
May our faithful solidarity
     bloom like wildflowers in a dry spell;
May truth-telling come as a kind invitation to a better life;
May a prophetic vision of wholeness guide us home;
May we hold space where we did not know we could;
May our feasting always be full of flavor and full of love;
May our grief lead us to community where it wasn’t before;
May patriotic nostalgia be replaced with a future for all;
May family feuds remind us that family is chosen and made;
May Mystery beckon us to the quiet places of sacred belonging;
May our path be always together, onward, kinship leading us;
May the boundaries created by hate - Kaitlin B Curtice
      evaporate in the light a new day.

Iw, amen.


Native: Identity, Belonging, and Rediscovering God Paperback – May 5, 2020 by Kaitlin B. Curtice (Author)


The holidays are an opportunity to ask who we were and who we are, to be honest, but to be gentle. We lean into ourselves, breathe, and take care.



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