


Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Lee Vining Presbyterian Church
10 AM Zoom only


I am at ComputerCorps various times; often Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons.

Taking tech calls on
radio show 

CALL NOW for FREE TECH ADVICE! 775-241-3571
FM 95.1 Tuesdays at 8 PM Pacific. Streaming live on



11662 Hope Court, Truckee, CA

Set back in the woods near the corner

of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road

PCUSA Book of OrderPC(USA) Book Of Order

Presbytery Manual


FREE Drugs and FREE Programs

Users should consider the offer of FREE software with the same caution and care that they give to the offer of FREE drugs!


  1. WHO is giving me this? Is it someone you know and trust in a reputable establishment? There is a difference between your physician giving you samples of a prescription and packet of pills from a stranger. In computer programs and apps, there is a difference between software recommended by another computer user you know and trust and one offerred by a clip art image on a website or a link in a curios email from a stranger.
  2. WHERE am I getting this? Are you at a club (or website) with a lot of flashing lights and suspicious activity in an unknown area? This is probably not a safe place to get drugs or software. If you are at pharmacy or doctor’s office with certificates on the wall which has recommend by others you trust in a well established and maintained environment, the products have a better chance of being safe and effective.
  3. WHY am I getting this? Is this software or drug prescribed after diagnostic that you sought to solve a problem you have? Reputable doctors and pharmacists don’t call you at home to tell you you’re sick and need to this miracle cure. Neither do reputable computer software companies. Disconnect and, IF you have a concern, seek advice from your choice of enthusiast friends or recommended professionals.

These practices won’t protect you absolutely in life or on-line. Nothing will. But practicing similar caution between what you put in your body and what you put in your computer will help you keep your computer healthy.





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