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NOAH Movie

Noah is a great movie, especially on the big screen. But it isn’t a Bible translation. This explanation has been added to the website: 

The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.


I like to think of it as fan fiction, not a part of the sanctioned canon, but one with characters, locaitions and themes from the official story by the original creator combined in a interesting and challenging way.

The movie struggles with great questions of life. Nationalism, capitalism, ecology, violence, survival, loyalty, family are woven into seeking God’s will for creation and humanity. If you go with a checklist of Bible facts, you’ll miss the beauty and challenge of the flim. (I do admit I was counting the clean animals.) 

A good filim for our time. How do you follow God when the world is ending? How does one survive and provide for family? Does God and Good ever conflict? 

Definately see the movie. Warning! This is not a Sunday School tale of cute stuffed animals in a basket boat of a smiling happy family covered with rainbows. It is harsh, violent and depressing. Wiping out humanity for evil is not a good start for feel good movie.

After the flim, you will read and hear the Bible account with a different understanding. I know I will appreciate the rainbow even more now that I have seen the flood.


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