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Presbytery Manual


Hints for Presbytery Speakers

In March of 1998, my then teenaged daughter Rachel attended a Presbytery meeting as part of her confirmation process for active church membership. She posted some helpful hints for speakers on the Presbytery web site. How well will General Assembly do in heeding her advice?

1. maximum time is 5 to 7 minutes
2. look around!
3. change your voice so people don’t fall asleep
4. move, walk, or something!
5. use hand motions
6. have charts or something to look at
7. stick to one subject
8. make people laugh or smile at least once
9. talk loud in the beginning to wake people up from the last speaker
10. wear different colors so we can tell when a new person is speaking
11. try to get an early spot before our brains are numb

What is your favorite? Which do you do?

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