Elders Assemble! My Top 5 Pittsburgh Presbyterian General Assembly Events
220th Presbyterian General Assembly Logo
Walk, Run, Soar to these General Assembly events!
The 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA comes to Pittsburgh’s David L. Lawrence Convection Center beginning Saturday, June 30th.
Most of the news before the assembly are the issues that the commissioners decide while the special events that happen when the Presbyterian tribe gathers are overlooked.
There is a list of events available, but here are the ones I want to make sure I attend and recommend all visitors enjoy with me:
1. Opening Worship Saturday, June 30th, 1:30 PM
Our outgoing modeator, Cindy Bolbach, will be preaching before over four thousand Presbyterians including over 300 choir members. There will be new songs and old hymns brought to life by a jazz group, an organ, piano, bagpiper, bell ringers and a brass quintet. Liturgical dancers and a procession of church servants and Presbytery banners from across the county is a anthem of praise for the eyes. Communion is shared bringing together Presbyterians from all over the map geographically and theologically. A glorious time at the assembly.
2. Moderator’s Election Saturday, June 30th, 7:00 PM
Presbyterians do not run for election. We have four standing for election this year: the Rev. Robert Austell Jr. of Charlotte Presbytery; the Rev. Randy Branson of Palo Duro Presbytery; the Rev. Sue Krummel of Great Rivers Presbytery; and the Rev. Neal Presa of Elizabeth Presbytery. It isn’t the race that attracts me, after all they don’t run, but the standing, hearing why these folks are ready to give up two years to travel and represent the Presbyterian Church (USA) to the church and the world.
Those attending in person and via the live stream, can hear the hopes and visions of not only these teaching elders, formerly known as Ministers of Word and Sacrament, but also the folks that nominate them, the vice moderator candidates and their nominators. Candidates will respond to commissioners questions and to the responses of other candidates in a swirl of humor, passion, vision, memories and dreams that always makes me go deeper and wider in my own faith and understanding.
3. General Assembly Breakfast Monday, July 2 7:00 am
A sleeper event, (meaning rookies miss this because of the early hour) this breakfast has outstanding guests speaking from the heart directly to the commissioners and advisory delegates. This year we are joined in morning prayers with thoughts from Brian D. McLaren author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. While the continental breakfast is free to commissioners as a group meal, it is $22 for the rest of us. BUT! There is no charge for those coming to the presentation only. This is what people will be talking about through the week, miss some sleep instead of this presentation.
4. Mr. Rogers’ Tribute Concert Tuesday, July 3 3:30 PM
5. Witherspoon Dance Tuesday, July 3, 8:00 pm–1:00 am
Compared with the GA breakfast ticket costing $22, the $20 price for a 5 hour dance is a bargain! The Omni William Penn Ballroom four blocks from the convention center at 530 William Penn Place is the site for the Witherspoon Dance. No sermons, no resolutions, no overtures, just folks gathering together connecting around dancing to loud music and a little food, while sharing adult beverages and conversation. Even if you don’t stay until 1 AM, you will find someone you know or should know at this event.
Hope to see you at the General Assembly. I’ll be at the Presbyterian Media Mission booth in the Exhibit Hall, tweeting @christyramsey, taking texts and calls at 330-PROVERB (776-8372) and resting my weary head at Candlewood Suites near the airport.
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