


Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Lee Vining Presbyterian Church
10 AM Zoom only

Sunday, June 29,2025

Reno Korean Presbyterian Church
Church Picnic - offsite


I am at ComputerCorps various times; often Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons.

Taking tech calls on
radio show 

CALL NOW for FREE TECH ADVICE! 775-241-3571
FM 95.1 Tuesdays at 8 PM Pacific. Streaming live on



11662 Hope Court, Truckee, CA

Set back in the woods near the corner

of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road

PCUSA Book of OrderPC(USA) Book Of Order

Presbytery Manual


UNCO is Church

I was a guest blogger on the unconference website:

 The first Unconference in 2010 was a spiritual life preserver thrown to me on a sea of tweets. I grabbed it and haven’t let go.

I struggle with the challenges of the institutional church, moving through church pastorates and decades of decline always 30 years younger than the congregation as we grow old together.

In UNCO a found a church built of people seeking to find how God is reflected in others, not in budgets to raise and buildings to preserve. Folks gathered their spirits and strengths and gently held together each other at the broken parts….

…read the rest at


All Ends But Love

1 Corinthians 13 by Love is a mystery wrapped in an enigma tied with a riddle.

Here is the audio portion of the message Only Love Does Not End recorded on Sunday, Feburary 3, 2013 about what to do after everything ends.

 A different take on the wedding scripture about love, 1 Corinthians 13.



Four Ways God Is Revealed

By seng1011, on Flickr, Some Rights ReservedMaps reveal different ways of understanding. This American Life radio show profiled Denis Wood’s maps of Boylan Heights in Raleigh, North Carolina and included and excerpt from his book Everything Sings The unusual maps are revealing not only of the neighborhood but of what we observe and how we find our way. (For more about maps and Denis Wood, see Denis Wood’s website.)

The magi use different maps to find Emmanuel, God with us, in the baby born in Bethlehem. Like the wise ones of Matthew 2:1-12, traditionally called “the three kings”, we can use different ways of finding our way to Christ.

Here is the audio portion of the message “Four Ways God Is Revealed” recorded on Epiphany, Sunday, January 6, 2013 about how to find God.



So Great A Cloud of Tweets


Thanks to TweetCloud here are my top twenty five words I tweeted as christyramsey in 2012:




 Here is Tweetcloud’s summary of my 2012 tweets as PastorGHPC


Prayer for the Imprisoned

My daughter was able to join us for worship and liked this prayer for those in prison. 


For those imprisoned during this time of year, away from family do to poor decisions and impulsive acts fueled by drugs, alcohol, poverty and pain. Build them up when everything wears them down. Keep them close to you and away from revenge and anger. May we be ready to help those who wish to recover.


The church I serve supports We Care ministry that delivers personal care products to prisoners twice a year.